Terms of Use

Last updated: 25 May 2021


All subdomains, content, and trademarks are included on www.reviewranger.org. Before using our services, we respectfully request that you review these Terms of Service so that you have a thorough understanding of your rights and responsibilities. By using or interacting with the website, you agree to be legally bound by the provisions outlined in these Terms of Service, which incorporate our Privacy Statement. This agreement establishes a legally binding obligation between the parties, namely your organization and yourself. Unless legal restrictions prevent a person from relinquishing their rights to obtain non-electronic documents or an original signature. If individuals do not wish to be legally bound by these terms, they should refrain from accessing or utilizing this website.

  1. Modification.

Note that modifications to these Terms may be made at our discretion and without prior notification. After ten (10) days from the date of publication of the revised Terms on the Site, the aforementioned modifications will take effect. If you continue to use the Site after this point, you will be deemed to have accepted the modified Terms.

  1. Ability to Accept Terms.

The website is restricted to users who are at least 16 years old. Please refrain from using the site if you are under 16 years old.

  1. Site Access.

During the duration of these Terms, users are permitted to access and use the Site, provided they comply with these Terms and all other applicable laws and regulations.

  1. Restrictions.

The duplication, distribution, display, replication, framing, or modification of any portion of the Site, Content, or Marks (as defined below) is expressly prohibited without our prior written consent. In addition, it is prohibited to use, modify, create derivative works from, transmit (via sale, resale, licensing, sublicensing, downloading, or any other method), reproduce, distribute, exhibit, or provide Content (as defined in the following section) unless expressly permitted in this document. Lastly, users are prohibited from using or initiating any automated system, program, algorithm, or technique that could interfere with the proper operation of the Site or its services.

  1. Intellectual Property Rights.

5.1. Content and Marks.

Text, files, articles, brochures, descriptions, products, software, graphics, photos, sounds, videos, user interfaces, visual layouts, images, brand names, logos, music, artwork, computer code, interactive features, and services are all included in the website's content. These materials are referred to collectively as "Materials" and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and treaties. This includes their arrangement, selection, coordination, expression, esthetic presentation, and overall organization.

The website contains user-submitted content, trademarks, service marks, and logos that www.reviewranger.org owns, controls, or has a license to use. The website's intellectual property, including the website's logo and other distinctive marks, belongs to www.reviewranger.org or its affiliated entities. The website uses the trademarks, service marks, and logos of their respective owners with permission.

Due to reserved rights, the Site and its Content are subject to additional protections beyond those expressly mentioned.

5.2. Use of Content.

The website's content and resources are intended solely for individual use and the purpose of acquiring knowledge. The non-personal use, modification, replication, dissemination, transmission, public exhibition, commercialization, licensing, decompilation, and reverse engineering of the material is strictly prohibited unless prior written permission is obtained. Also prohibited is the creation of derivative works from the material.

When downloading or printing Content, it is essential to maintain the integrity of copyright and other property notices.

  1. Third-Party Sources and Content.

6.1. The platform enables users to view, retrieve, establish connections to, and utilize content originating from sources not under our ownership or control, commonly referred to as "Third Party content" (as defined below).

Our system facilitates interaction and communication with other sources. The sources can be divided into two categories: (i) non-affiliated websites and services and (ii) our associates and consumers. As a user, you can interact with both types of available sources on the platform.

6.2. We cannot control the activities and content supplied by Third Party Sources.

Notably, we cannot be held responsible for the content, terms of service, privacy policies, conduct, or practices of third-party sources. Before engaging in any kind of interaction with a source, it is advisable to carefully review their terms of service and privacy policies.

6.3. We now declare that we cannot be held responsible for, and we explicitly deny any guarantees about, the precision, suitability, utility, security, or Intellectual Property Rights (as defined below) of any Third Party material or any associated material.

6.4. It is possible to encounter Third Party Content on the Site that contains inaccuracies, offensive content, indecent content, or objectionable content.

Individuals are free to interact with Third Party Sources or use Third Party Content as they see fit. The user decides whether to interact with a Third Party Source and whether to place trust in Third Party Content. The user accepts complete responsibility for their selection and the inherent risks involved.

6.5. The user undertakes all legal responsibility and liability for all interactions with Third Party Sources.

When accessing the Site, the user agrees to waive any legal or equitable rights or remedies they may have against www.reviewranger.org and absolves www.reviewranger.org of any liability that may result from their use of and interaction with Third Party Content, as well as their interaction with any Third Party Source. If you have concerns or complaints regarding a Third Party Source or Third Party Content, you must communicate directly with the Third Party Source.

  1. User Submissions.

7.1. Responsibility.

This website facilitates the submission, sharing, distribution, and publication of content, referred to collectively as 'User Submissions,' by its users, whether on their own behalf or on behalf of others. The confidentiality of any User Submissions cannot be guaranteed, regardless of whether they are published. The individual submitting the content is solely liable for their User Submissions and any potential consequences that may result from posting, publishing, or uploading the content.

The authority to determine the publication of user contributions is retained, as is the ability to supervise, regulate, modify, remove, or delete any content, including user contributions, from the website without prior notice and for any reason.

7.2. Ownership.

By utilizing our platform, you represent and warrant that you own or possess the necessary rights and permissions to grant us permission to use any intellectual property rights associated with your user contributions. In addition, you grant us permission to use and incorporate your suggestions in accordance with the terms outlined in our agreement. In addition to other forms of data, the term "content" incorporates user-uploaded files. The term "intellectual property rights" incorporates a variety of rights, including trade secrets, patents, copyrights, service marks, and trademarks, among others. In addition, it includes ethical rights, privacy rights, publicity rights, and any other similar rights recognized by the legal statutes or rules of any governing, regulatory, or judicial body, regardless of their foreign or domestic origin. Users retain complete proprietorship of their submitted content.

7.3. License to User Submissions.

By submitting content to www.reviewranger.org, users grant the site a non-exclusive, worldwide, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, perpetual, and irrevocable license. This license permits www.reviewranger.org to use, reproduce, distribute, exhibit, and perform the user's content, as well as create derivative works, in connection with the site and the business of www.reviewranger.org. In addition, www.reviewranger.org has the right to redistribute all or a portion of the user's content through any media channels.

By using the Site, users agree to waive their moral rights in their User Submissions in accordance with applicable legal provisions. The user further grants any observer or user of the Site a non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, disseminate, create derivative works, exhibit, and execute their User Submissions, subject to the conditions outlined in these Terms.

7.4. Prohibited Content.

In order to maintain a secure and fair platform, we respectfully request that users refrain from displaying, submitting, distributing, uploading, or transmitting any User Submission that may be categorized as one of the following:

(i) Unfair or deceptive conduct violates consumer protection laws in every country.

(ii) Infringes upon the copyright, trade secret, or other property rights of third parties, including privacy and publicity rights, unless the user lawfully owns those rights.

(iii) Pose a risk to the well-being and physical integrity of a person, endanger the general public's safety and health, endanger the stability and protection of national security, or impede the progress of a law enforcement investigation.

(iv) Participates in the act of adopting the identity of another individual.

The individual endorses the use of illegal substances, violates laws governing the export of products, engages in illegal gambling, or engages in the illegal trafficking of firearms.

The individual engages in conduct that is illegal, defamatory, libelous, coercive, sexually explicit, harassing, discriminatory against a particular race or ethnicity, or that promotes criminal behavior, civil responsibility, or violates any legal regulation, or is deemed inappropriate.

(vii) Refers to instances of theft and terrorist activities.

(viii) Includes any actions that are deemed malicious or deceptive.

Note that any User Submissions that fell under these categories will be deleted, and additional measures may be taken.

7.5. Exposure.

You may encounter User Submissions from diverse sources while using the Site. Please be aware that www.reviewranger.org is not liable for the veracity, usefulness, security, or Intellectual Property Rights of these User Submissions. Some User Submissions could be inaccurate, offensive, lewd, or otherwise objectionable. By accepting these terms, you waive any legal or equitable rights or remedies you may have against www.reviewranger.org in connection with these issues.

  1. Information Description.

While our team endeavors to maintain a high level of precision, it is crucial to acknowledge that we cannot provide an absolute assurance about the comprehensiveness, dependability, or correctness of the Content accessible on our website. We reserve the right to make changes to the Content without prior or future notification. Importantly, the use of any portion of the Content carries inherent risks and responsibilities that are solely the responsibility of the individual.

  1. Disclosure.

It is essential to note that the company reserves the right to access, examine, retain, and disclose any data collected through your use of the Site and interactions with it. This action shall only be performed when it is deemed reasonably necessary to achieve the following goals:

(i) To comply with all applicable laws, rules, legal processes, subpoenas, and government demands.

(ii) To investigate any violations of our Site Terms.

(iii) This provision is intended to detect, mitigate, or resolve instances of fraud or security concerns, as well as technological issues.

Support is required in order to provide assistance and answer consumer questions.

To protect the rights, property, and well-being of www.reviewranger.org, its users, and the general public.

It is essential to recognize that we place a premium on the protection of your privacy and will only retrieve your information when necessary and in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

10.1. The website, www.reviewranger.org, may contain hyperlinks and permit users to contribute content to websites that are not owned or managed by the aforementioned site.

It is essential to emphasize that our company has no affiliation with other websites and assumes no responsibility for their content, privacy policies, or activities. As an end-user, it is your responsibility to exercise caution and prudence when using these online platforms and to maintain an acute awareness of the content you disseminate or post through these platforms. It is essential to note that we cannot accept legal responsibility for any consequences that may arise from your use of other websites. To protect their own safety, users are strongly advised to exercise caution and carefully review the terms and conditions and privacy policies of any external website they choose to access.

10.2. We permit you to link to the Site provided that:

When creating hyperlinks to the website, it is important to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. It is recommended to avoid creating redundant web pages with your connections.
  2. It is recommended to use precise hypertext link language that precisely depicts the website's content.
  3. Misrepresenting one's affiliation with www.reviewranger.org or spreading misleading information about the website is strictly prohibited.
  4. It is essential to refrain from implying or suggesting that www.reviewranger.org endorses any services or products without receiving prior explicit sanction.
  5. It is strictly prohibited to create a hyperlink from a website that contains detrimental or controversial content, or that violates the intellectual property, privacy, or other rights of individuals or entities.
  6. Both the user and their website must comply with these Terms and all applicable laws.
  1. Privacy.

The website usage is subject to compliance with our Privacy Policy. Kindly review the policy to learn more about the data we collect and use.

  1. Warranty Disclaimers.

12.1. This section applies regardless of whether the services provided on the Site are offered for compensation or for free.

There is a possibility that some of the warranties precluded here are illegal.

12.2. The website is provided in its current state without explicit or implicit guarantees, and its availability is subject to change.

The website is currently accessible in its present state, without any modifications or enhancements, and is provided without any explicit or implicit guarantees. The website www.reviewranger.org expressly states that it does not provide any guarantees, whether explicitly stated or implied, including but not limited to guarantees of merchantability, ownership, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-violation, as well as those that arise from legal provisions or customary business practices. The website www.reviewranger.org cannot guarantee the lack of flaws, security holes, or virus attacks. The intermittent unavailability of the site may occur due to periodic maintenance, enhancements, or other factors.

The user acknowledges that www.reviewranger.org is not liable for any potential consequences that may arise as a result of technical difficulties associated with internet connectivity, slow network speeds, or server congestion, regardless of whether it relates to www.reviewranger.org’s servers or those of other entities. The site's third-party content, products, and services are not guaranteed, endorsed, or warranted by us.

12.3.The website www.reviewranger.org offers no assurance, sanction, or guarantee for user-submitted content. In addition, the website www.reviewranger.org makes no claims or guarantees regarding the aforementioned content and disclaims any responsibility in relation to it.

12.4.The user acknowledges that www.reviewranger.org bears no responsibility for any submissions or actions made by users, including defamatory, objectionable, unlawful, or negligent behavior. The user is solely responsible for any potential injury or damage.

12.5.As the user, it is your responsibility to utilize the website's content, which includes user submissions, and to interact with any third-party entities that are displayed on the site. In the event that a dispute arises with a third party as a result of your use of this website, you agree that www.reviewranger.org is not liable for any claims or damages associated with such disputes.

12.6. Unless otherwise specified in our privacy policy, the assurance of the safety and security of any disclosed information or activities conducted on our website cannot be guaranteed.

12.7. Our goal is to provide users with informative content about the products and services displayed on our website.

In order to provide you with this information at no cost, we must identify alternative revenue streams. One such method is instituting a fee for the incorporation of third-party businesses on our website. In addition, compensation may be received when a user visits or purchases from these organizations. However, it is crucial to note that any compensation received from www.reviewranger.org will not influence the content we publish on our website about a specific third-party company.

  1. Limitation of Liability.

13.1.According to these terms, www.reviewranger.org is not liable for any indirect, exemplary, special, consequential, or incidental damages, nor for any loss of data, revenue, profits, or reputation that may result from your use of the aforementioned website. The above limitation of liability applies to the utmost extent permitted by law, regardless of whether or not www.reviewranger.org was made aware of the prospect of such damages or losses.

In some jurisdictions, it may be unlawful to exclude or avoid liability for minor or indirect losses, rendering the aforementioned limitations inapplicable to the user.

13.2. According to these terms, the website www.reviewranger.org is liable for a maximum of $1,000 in compensatory damages resulting from the use of or inability to use the aforementioned website.

  1. Indemnity.

As a user, it is your responsibility to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless www.reviewranger.org and its affiliated entities, as well as their officers, directors, employees, and agents, from any legal claims, harm, obligations, losses, liabilities, expenses, and costs (including legal fees) that may result from your use or inability to use the Site, your User Submissions, or your interactions with other Site users.

  1. Term and Termination.

These provisions shall remain in effect until either the user or www.reviewranger.org chooses to terminate them. The website www.reviewranger.org may terminate these terms and/or your access to the site, or any portion thereof, at any time, with or without cause, which may include a violation of these terms. In the event of its discontinuation or the discontinuation of any of its constituent elements, www.reviewranger.org is not liable to you or any other person.

If you disagree with any provision of these terms or any future modifications, or if you are dissatisfied with the site in any way, your only recourse is to discontinue using the site immediately. Upon expiration of these terms, it is expected that you will discontinue all use of the aforementioned website. The provisions of sections 5 (Intellectual Property Rights), 7.3 (License to User Submissions), 11 (Privacy), 12 (Disclaimers of Warranties), 13 (Limitation of Liability), 14 (Indemnification), and 16 (Independent Contractors) through 18 (General) shall survive the expiration or termination of these terms.

  1. Independent Contractors.

The user and www.reviewranger.org are separate entities, and the enumerated Terms do not create a partnership, joint venture, agency, or employment relationship between them. It is recommended that individuals refrain from making any warranties, representations, promises, or obligations on the website's behalf.

  1. Assignment.

The user is prohibited from transferring or assigning these Terms, along with any associated rights and licenses. Nonetheless, it should be noted that www.reviewranger.org reserves the right to transmit or assign these Terms without restrictions or the need to notify the user beforehand.

  1. General.

The website located at www.reviewranger.org may be modified or discontinued at the discretion of those in positions of authority and without prior notice. Without regard to any other legal provisions, the contractual agreement between the user and the business shall be governed by the laws of the state in which the company is located. The current Terms represent the entire agreement between the user and the organization regarding the Site.

If a court of competent jurisdiction rules that any provision of these Terms is invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain valid and enforceable. The failure to enforce any provision of these Terms does not constitute a waiver of that provision or any other provision. Moreover, if a party fails to assert a right or provision as specified in these Terms, such failure shall not be interpreted as a waiver of such right or provision. All legal claims related to the website must be lodged within one year of the occurrence of the cause of action; otherwise, they will be permanently barred.